Gradient boosting is a technique based on boosting that involves building many weak learners.In the case of gradient boosting, each subsequent model focuses on pseudo-residuals instead of directly on the errors of the previous one.Each new tree is trained to minimize the gradient of the loss function with respect to the current ensemble's predictions.The gradient boosting algorithm was introduced by Jerome H. Friedman in 1999 and is widely used today.There are numerous variations of the gradient boosting algorithm, including GBM, XGBoost, LightGBM, and CatBoost.In gradient boosting, trees are constructed sequentially, meaning each tree is built based on information from previously built trees.The algorithm for gradient boosting involves initialization, calculating pseudo-residuals, creating the next tree, and updating the model.An important part of the gradient boosting method is regularization by shrinkage in the update rule.For example, gradient boosting algorithm was explained step by step for a regression problem, with code implementation in Python.The quality of the regressor should be evaluated on a test set.