Cyber threat exposure management (CTEM) is an effective way to achieve reliability for organizations by identifying, assessing and mitigating new cyber risks as they materialize.
The importance of developing cybersecurity resilience cannot be overstated. The key components of cybersecurity resilience include proactive risk management, continuous monitoring and improvement, incident response and recovery, and maintaining a progressive cybersecurity culture.
CTEM provides a much more proactive approach to strengthening an organization's security posture.
CTEM frameworks incorporate key components such as threat intelligence, vulnerability management, security testing, and risk assessment.
CTEM deployments involve continuous improvement and refinement and have five stages- scoping, discovery, prioritization, validation, and mobilization.
Implementing CTEM is an important step for improving the cybersecurity resilience for organizations.
Steps to follow while implementing CTEM include a cybersecurity risk assessment, embracing automation, prioritizing and validating discovered vulnerabilities, and establishing clear communication channels.
Organizations need to take a proactive and continuous approach to their risk management strategy in order to achieve reliability and a resilient cybersecurity posture.
Continuous cybersecurity resilience is essential to address the assets and associated risks of an organization.
CTEM solutions provide rapid defense against known and emerging cyber threats in real-time, enabling organizations to become much more proactive in securing their IT assets.