Sara Varni, Datadog’s CMO, shares how to build pipeline and create alignment across sales and marketing in the latest edition of SaaStr’s Workshop Wednesday.
Studying joint targets between sales and marketing isn’t always the norm, but having a holistic pipeline view is crucial.
The four-horsemen model is a clever way to see how inbound, SDR/BDR, AEs, and partners feed the overall numbers.
It’s important to look at all these sources together because if you look in isolation, you might not see where things are going wrong or right.
Datadog drives accountability through monthly meetings and quarterly reporting on the horsemen.
Marketing needs to take ownership of pipeline and share skin in the game with sales.
Develop a joint action plan rather than assigning responsibility to one department.
Studying targets between sales and marketing isn’t always the norm, but having a holistic pipeline view is crucial.
Think about how you’re setting your targets so there is joint responsibility for driving pipeline.
Quarterly reporting on the horsemen and transparency are great ways to drive accountability.