Docker installation on Windows 11 and newer versions is a straightforward process and gives access to various Docker-related tools.
Docker packages your application with all the dependencies required to run the application consistently everywhere, giving it a consistent look and feel across all machines.
The article compares Hyper-V and WSL as system requirements for choosing the right runtime.
Hyper-V is like having another computer running inside your Windows machine, while WSL lets you run a Linux environment directly within Windows.
WSL is a lightweight and simpler alternative with better performance for Linux workloads, making it ideal for most developers.
The author gives step-by-step instructions on how to download Docker Desktop and initiate the installation wizard.
The configuration page during the installation lets you select your runtime and also has options like 'Use WSL 2 instead of Hyper-V (recommended).'
Running the verification command 'docker --version' in your terminal would confirm if Docker is installed and ready to use.
Docker Desktop, once installed, can be used to start pulling images, build containers and explore the world of Containerization.