Terraform is an open-source tool that simplifies the process of developing and managing infrastructure components by defining resources through human-readable configuration files.
It works in three stages: Write, Plan, and Apply. Write to declare configurations in a human-readable language. Plan to create an execution plan. Apply to perform those actions in the specified order.
In this guide, we walk you through the steps to install Terraform on an Ubuntu machine and deploy NGINX on Docker using Terraform.
The prerequisites include a virtual machine with Ubuntu 22.04 and Docker installed on Ubuntu.
To install Terraform, you can download and save the Hashicorp PGP key, add the key to Ubuntu's package source-list, update you package source-list, and install Terraform using the apt install terraform command.
To build an infrastructure using Terraform, you can create a directory, edit the main.tf file to define the requirements, initialize the directory, validate if the configuration is correct and valid, and build the infrastructure using the terraform apply command.
In case you want to destroy the server, run the terraform destroy command.
NodeShift offers virtual machines at a very affordable cost and with a user-friendly interface.
At NodeShift, we provide robust cloud essentials like GPUs, compute nodes, and more for deploying VMs seamlessly.
Terraform enables developers to manage infrastructure as code effectively and automate their cloud infrastructure management.