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Image Credit: The New Stack

How to Run Databases on Kubernetes: An 8-Step Guide

  • Running databases on Kubernetes requires persistent data storage and consistency.
  • Key concepts to consider when running databases in Kubernetes include: database storage, scaling databases, data consistency and backups, and StatefulSets.
  • StatefulSets are a Kubernetes resource for managing stateful applications that ensures pods possess persistent storage.
  • To create a database StatefulSet application on Kubernetes you will need to create a StorageClass, PersistentVolume (PV), Persistent Volume Claim (PVC), and MySQL StatefulSet.
  • To enable the pods to communicate between each other in Kubernetes, a MySQL StatefulSets headless service is created.
  • Performing regular backups and routine restore of databases is important to ensure availability of your Kubernetes workloads and maintain database integrity.
  • Monitoring tools such as Prometheus, Grafana and Nagios can be used to monitor database health and notify the engineer if there is a degradation in service or issue with the database.
  • As Kubernetes evolves, the support for StatefulSets will increase, making running databases on Kubernetes a powerful solution for modern infrastructures.
  • To learn more about what Kubernetes can do for your business, you can read more about it on Andela.
  • Using Kubernetes to run databases can be achieved with proper planning and attention to StatefulSets, PersistentVolumes, and persistent storage needs.

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