Running databases on Kubernetes requires persistent data storage and consistency.
Key concepts to consider when running databases in Kubernetes include: database storage, scaling databases, data consistency and backups, and StatefulSets.
StatefulSets are a Kubernetes resource for managing stateful applications that ensures pods possess persistent storage.
To create a database StatefulSet application on Kubernetes you will need to create a StorageClass, PersistentVolume (PV), Persistent Volume Claim (PVC), and MySQL StatefulSet.
To enable the pods to communicate between each other in Kubernetes, a MySQL StatefulSets headless service is created.
Performing regular backups and routine restore of databases is important to ensure availability of your Kubernetes workloads and maintain database integrity.
Monitoring tools such as Prometheus, Grafana and Nagios can be used to monitor database health and notify the engineer if there is a degradation in service or issue with the database.
As Kubernetes evolves, the support for StatefulSets will increase, making running databases on Kubernetes a powerful solution for modern infrastructures.
To learn more about what Kubernetes can do for your business, you can read more about it on Andela.
Using Kubernetes to run databases can be achieved with proper planning and attention to StatefulSets, PersistentVolumes, and persistent storage needs.