Docker has unlimited usage for both developers and hobbyists when combined with Raspberry Pi.The guide explains how to install Docker on your Raspberry Pi.Prerequisites are Raspberry Pi with Raspberry Pi OS installed, Ethernet cable or Wi-Fi connection, and Keyboard and Monitor.First, update your Raspberry Pi OS. Run sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y in Terminal.Two ways to install Docker: Use a script provided by Docker or use the traditional Debian way of installing Docker.To install dependencies, first, run sudo apt install ca-certificates curl. Then, use either method to install Docker.Next, set up the user for Docker by adding your user to the Docker group.To check if everything is working correctly, use the command docker --version and the command docker run hello-world.You can use Docker for many different purposes, including hosting a website, setting up home automation tools, and setting up a media server.Ensure to have a Raspberry Pi model with at least 4GB of RAM for running multiple Docker containers simultaneously.