AWS CloudFormation is introducing a new managed hook for Guard which seamlessly integrates compliance into users' AWS CloudFormation workflows.
AWS CloudFormation Hooks let users validate and enforce policies when provisioning and managing resources in CloudFormation stacks.
A Guard Hook is a service-managed CloudFormation Hook that integrates AWS CloudFormation Guard into a CloudFormation deployment process.
Guard Hooks can be used to enhance compliance and security, including security compliance, resource configuration, and operational governance.
With a Guard hook, you can now bring your AWS CloudFormation Guard rules directly into your CloudFormation stacks, change sets, and individual resources.
Guard Hooks provide fully managed cloud native experience that allows users to specify Guard rules using the Guard DSL and apply Guard-based compliance policies.
Guard Hooks enable users to take advantage of CloudFormation’s native stack-level and resource-level hooks to enforce policies across entire stacks and individual resources.
Getting started with a Guard hook involves configuring the hook, uploading Guard rules to Amazon S3, activating the hook, and enabling it to run against CloudFormation stacks.
Guard Hooks revolutionize the way users enforce compliance and security policies in their AWS infrastructure.
Guard Hooks simplify compliance enforcement, enhance security posture, streamline deployment workflows, and allow users to focus on innovation.