With ApplDsing's help you can easily optimize your iPhone’s storage without losing important data.
Deleting videos that are no longer necessary or trimming longer videos are two simple ways to free-up storage.
Consider moving the videos that you wish to keep to external storage options.
Identify and delete apps that you no longer use on your phone. Streaming services can also take up significant space, so delete movies/episodes you no longer need.
Clearing your browser’s cache is another useful way to free-up storage.
Find and delete emails with large attachments that you don’t need.
It is recommended to allow iCloud photos as it automatically uploads all your photos and videos, saving a lot of space.
Enabling ‘optimize iPhone storage’ setting stores lower resolution versions of your media on the phone while full resolution versions are stored on the iCloud.
Reviewing storage usage regularly and applying space-saving techniques can help maintain a clutter-free iPhone experience.
By following these simple yet effective steps, you can keep your iPhone running smoothly without worrying about running out of space.