Atari games like Pong can be framed as Reinforcement Learning (RL) problems, utilizing Markov Decision Processes.Tabular approaches face challenges due to the vast number of states in Atari games, leading to intractability.A shift to supervised learning poses issues due to the sequential nature of Atari games and the requirement for hand-labeled datasets.Deep-Q Networks (DQN) address Atari game challenges through function approximation and Q-learning.DQN uses Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to handle continuous state spaces and distill image features.Function approximation in DQN involves approximating state-action values to generalize Q-values efficiently.Experience replay in DQN improves sample independence and addresses non-stationarity in data distribution.The introduction of a target network in DQN stabilizes training by reducing target instability.By stacking frames and pre-processing visuals, DQN ensures the Markovian property and enhances state representation.DQN's efficient training procedures leverage methods such as ε-greedy action selection and replay buffers for stable learning.