Opinionated defaults are predefined choices made for the user and a way to guide user behaviour by providing a starting point that the user is more likely to adopt.
Opinionated defaults have been used across different industries like Location, Payment Methods, Pricing, Templates and Login to provide guidance to users.
Choice architects can use opinionated defaults to make the consumption of healthy foods more likely or more immediate by rearranging cafeteria's or offerings.
Patreon changed the grayed out text of a tier to $0 to provide recommendations via tooltips. This may be an optimization based on a new default.
Opinionated defaults can transform site experiences, shape behavior, and drastically improve metrics to lead to engaged, retained users.
Identifying critical decisions that users have to make in a product can guide the use of opinionated defaults.
Leveraging data is important in defining defaults that maximize earnings, patron retention, user engagement or any other established objective.
An Opinionated default should balance flexibility to maintain functionality and reduce the number of choices provided to users.
Iterating with user feedback and data review on user behaviour can optimize default use.
Opinionated defaults may provide value in reducing friction for first-time users to make the experience intuitive and help first-time users adopt product features.