Amazon OpenSearch Service is a managed service for search and analytics that allows organizations to secure data and explore log analytics.
This post presents a solution to deploy OpenSearch stored objects using GitHub and Jenkins.
It is recommended to discourage contributors from making changes directly to the production OpenSearch Service domain and instead implement a gatekeeper process to validate and test the changes before moving them to OpenSearch Service.
The solution consists of three personas: Contributor, User, and Approver.
CI/CD automates code integration, testing, and deployment. Faster and more reliable software releases are possible through CI and CD.
In the post, the author demonstrates how to build a CI/CD pipeline for deploying OpenSearch Service security roles using GitHub and Jenkins.
Create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role in AWS for Jenkins before configuring Jenkins.
Create a GitHub repository to store OpenSearch Service security roles in JSON format.
Install Python packages and create the Python file on the Jenkins server.
Finally, push the newly created role file into the GitHub repository and build a job that will create the role in OpenSearch Service domain.