Neural networks take inspiration from the communication between neurons in the human brain, which occurs from an electrochemical signal between neurons.
Neural networks consist of mathematically simplified neurons called perceptrons, which aggregate data and output a signal based on input.
Data scientists use activation functions, such as ReLU, Sigmoid and Softmax to inject non-linearity in neural networks.
Back propagation is an algorithm used to train neural networks by comparing predictions to desired outputs, then updating the model based on the difference between the output and desired answer.
Normalization is a method used to scale inputs and outputs in a neural network to a range averaging around zero to avoid values that are too small or large.
This detailed article explores the concepts of neural networks from theory to implementation using NumPy, a numerical computing library.
Training a neural network involves passing training data through the model and comparing predicted outputs to known outputs, updating the model based on the difference.
Increasing the amount of training data or adjusting the regularization parameters can help enhance predictions, but advanced approaches are required to achieve more consistent results.
The article aims to be accessible to beginners, offering a thorough understanding of neural networks while delving into more advanced concepts.
Future articles will continue to explore more advanced applications of neural networks, zeroing in on subjects like annealing, dropout, and gradients.