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Oracle’s E...
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Image Credit: Bioengineer

Oracle’s Ellison Envisions AI-Designed Personalized Cancer Vaccines

  • Larry Ellison, co-founder and chief technology officer of Oracle has set off excitement by declaring that personalized mRNA vaccines based on AI will soon be designed for each individual to combat cancer within 48 hours.
  • The idea will create unique mRNA blueprints for each patient’s cancer profile, enabling the immune system to target the affected area. The AI software will map out the patient’s tumour cells and create a unique mRNA blueprint.
  • The use of personalised AI designed mRNA vaccines is not new, but Ellison's claims of it being designed within 48 hours and manufactured robotically proves to be a significant break from the regular pace of medical breakthroughs.
  • Regulation for personalised therapies will have to be streamlined or even partially automated to handle a mass of custom-tailored vaccines. Global data-sharing would allow the optimisation of personalised care for all populations.
  • Manufacturing is becoming more agile, small-scale, and automated. There will be logistical complexities branching out in every direction.
  • The dynamic, iterative approach of AI-designed mRNA vaccines might open pathways to ‘always current’ therapies that adapt to pathogen or tumour's mutations. The marginal cost of generating each new vaccine might lead to cheaply produce it for millions of people.
  • However, there will be ethical ramifications. The challenge of who pays for such technology is already open for discussion.
  • Ellison's remarks signal that the interplay of data, AI, cloud computing, robotics, and pharmaceutical science is rapidly converging.
  • Realizing these aims will require visionary leadership, huge investments, and perhaps a decade or more to refine the pipeline to the point that it is widely deployed.
  • The possibility that AI-powered personalised medicine can swiftly shape therapy to each patient's genome, delivered by precise robots and iterated at near-lightning speed is a significant breakthrough in the fight against cancer.

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