Linux telemetry involves gathering and sending data from a Linux-based system to an external server or service.
To make secure the Ubuntu OS, it is recommended to use POP!_OS designed by System76.
To enhance security, some packages should be removed or disabled, e.g., apport, apport-symptoms, ubuntu-report and more.
Various settings need to be changed such as diagnostics reporting, lock screen notifications, tracking of recent files and more.
Tools can be used to make the system more secure like BleachBit for system cleaning, KeePassXC for password management, ClamAV for anti-virus and more.
The user can remove metadata by using MAT2 and browse securely using Tor Browser and VPN and even block websites using NextDNS.
The article concludes that using these methods and tools, user privacy can be safeguarded while significantly reducing the exposure to unwanted data collection.