Text embeddings are a powerful tool that converts human language into numbers for computers to understand.E5 (EmbEddings from bidirEctional Encoder rEpresentations) is an efficient embedding model by Microsoft.Text embedding is crucial in AI applications like information retrieval and document classification.Contrastive learning is key in preserving semantic similarity during text embedding.E5 mitigates limitations of existing models by using a two-step pre-training/finetuning approach.E5 uses a shared Transformer encoder and contrastive learning for text embedding.E5 is finetuned on labeled datasets using knowledge distillation and a cross-encoder model.E5 variants (small, base, large) have shown promising performance in various evaluations.E5's innovations include the CCPairs dataset, a two-step training strategy, and model variants.Overall, E5 demonstrates superiority in various tasks compared to other models.