Establishing a product strategy structure and defining a product roadmap hierarchyeveryone understands and buys into is critical to avoid confusion, false expectations, and slow progress.
Start either by establishing the structure of the product strategy or by defining the product roadmap hierarchy.
The strategic intent should establish the decision-making framework for roadmap development and prioritization.
Your product initiatives should be the “how” for achieving the strategic intent.
Capabilities are the “bottom brick” of the product strategy framework made up of features represented in the roadmap.
The company mission and vision is the foundation of the product strategy framework.
Do not overlook the simple act of defining the different levels of your roadmap.
Use the most suitable approach for your company's context and limit the unnecessary complexity of your roadmap.
The goal is to get everyone in your company on the same page and understand how to communicate with stakeholders and run prioritization more efficiently.
A consistent product roadmap hierarchy with a clearly defined strategy is the language your teams need to stay aligned, efficient, and focused.