This article provides a summary of one of the state-of-art techniques of Flow-Based Generative Models called Rectified-Flows which aims to simplify model trajectory to improve generation's quality and inference's efficiency.
The article presents a quick recap on Flow-Based Generative models and highlights the challenges that come with it as well as summarizing two other approaches: Neural ODE and Normalizing Flows.
The article describes how Rectified Flows alleviate problems with Neural ODE and Normalizing Flows approaches that are faced with the possibility of complex trajectories.
The core motivation behind the Rectified Flows approach is to overcome the complexity of flow trajectories that Neural-ODEs suffer from.
Rectified Flows uses a neural-network parameterized velocity model to minimize the loss with gradient descent for better training.
The article suggests that there are many statistical and mathematical measures involved in implementing the Rectified-Flows approach.
The article is a great read for readers looking for a brief understanding of Rectified-Flows as well as Flow-Based Generative Models which can be a challenge to understand.
The topic is especially useful for readers with a machine learning background and those who want to understand recent advances in Flow-Based Generative Models.
The article highlights that Rectified Flows technique is developed to extract better generation quality and inference efficiency from Generative Models.
The article presents an overview of Neural ODE and Normalizing Flows approaches along with their major challenges.