Sharing velocity outside the team is a mistake; senior executives don’t listen to caveats and think numbers are everything.Letting customer approval creep into ‘definition of done’ slows down sprint reviews and lead to an increased product scope.Daily Scrum shouldn’t drag on for an hour and approval meetings should not be confused with sprint reviews.The Scrum Master is supposed to help the team become self-organizing and removing administrative barriers encourages rather than hinders this.Skipping sprint reviews may seem like a time-saver but this can ultimately lead to delays and irrelevant work being completed.Transparency is critical but only when it’s meaningful and vanity metrics should be avoided.Scrum is about delivering value, being productive but also learning from mistakes.Sprints are a chance to talk to stakeholders, course-correct if needed and get feedback early and often.Meaningful metrics are those that focus on customer outcomes and progress towards the product goal.Professional Scrum Master training and certification would be helpful for aspiring scrum masters.