The business cycle behaves like a wave and can be modeled using the sine function on which B controls the frequency of cycles.
Cosine functions determine when the peaks and troughs occur since cosine leads the sine by a phase shift of 90°.
The tangent function models volatile market conditions where trends sharply deviate opportunity and danger.
The return to the hub investment strategy detects trending down investment and exiting before it declines too far and re-enter for upward trends.
Incorporating leading indicators like moving averages and rate of change provides quantifiable signals for when to exit and re-enter the market.
Derivatives provide insight into how rapidly business quantities change and help identify critical points where the business might hit a local maximum or minimum.
Integrals represent the total accumulation of business outcomes over time, providing a broader view of the business’s overall performance.
Predictive exponential decay or growth modeling used to predict stock prices, customer base growth, and market demand.
Marginal cost and revenue optimization help businesses optimize production. Elasticity measures demand sensitivity to price changes.
Calculus gives a comprehensive theoretical framework for using mathematical tools to interpret and optimize business operations.