Dolphie is a python tool developed by Charles Thompson to monitor and fine-tune MySQL instances
It can be started as a standalone tool that feeds off of performance_schema’s goodness. Or it can be configured to record and replay statistics for interactive investigation into past events
There isn’t another MySQL instance as an auxiliary database repository nor do users have to install an agent across all nodes on the platform
The tasks to install are simple: install dolphie, provide the instances and configuration for the user's access and hit enter
Focus on key strokes after Dolphie is up and running. Clickable TUI elements can show meaningful CPU, memory, table cache, threads, disk I/O, and other data
Dolphie snitches if a user changes variable settings like innodb_lru_scan_depth from 1024 to 256
Dolphie also lets users play with parameters and manage to tune settings. Dowside is that it turns off implicitly before the resize, and then enabled afterwards
Dolphie can show error log contents in a searchable and orderable new screen
Dolphie can give users a memory overview for all users, hosts, and code areas: current & total. Code area useful to see if temptable is being abused
Dolphie provides features like “pon da replay” which helps record and replay with Dolphie