With Swiper for Vue, you can easily implement parallax effects for a slideshow.
In this guide, we’ll create a parallax effect using Vue 3 and explore additional features to enhance this effect.
Let’s start from scratch to create a Vue 3 app and set up Swiper to create a parallax slider.
To achieve a full-screen parallax effect, I used display: contents;
Now that we’ve created the AwesomeParallax component, we can add it to HomeView.vue to display it on the main page.
With everything in place, you can start the development server to see the parallax effect in action.
Slide Transition Duration: Customize the transition duration for smoother animations by editing the :speed prop adjustments
Center the text: To center the text, title, and subtitle in the middle of your screen, you can use flexbox properties on the .swiper-slide
Adding Image Gradients: Layering gradients over the background images to create depth. To apply a gradient overlay on top of your background image while keeping the image itself
This guide demonstrated how to set up a Vue 3 application with a parallax effect, creating visually engaging user experiences.