Machine learning models need to be scaled to provide optimal performance as businesses grow and scale
Microservices are a modern approach to building software that provides flexibility, scalability, and reliability
Microservices can be combined with machine learning models by splitting each step into its own block
Using microservices means storing model files, configurations, and other important data in a centralized location
Keeping parts of the pipeline, such as data preprocessing and feature extraction, separately leads to modularity and enables updating and improving each piece independently
For real-time instant responses, use lightweight model deployment frameworks and consider using gRPC instead of REST
For deep learning models, consider using GPUs over CPUs for speeding up predictions
Kubernetes can be used to deploy, scale, and monitor containers for microservices-based ML systems automatically
Message brokers like Kafka or RabbitMQ can be used to keep data flowing well between microservices in a microservices setup
A major challenge in implementing an ML-microservices system is to address the issue of data drift where data is seen in a much different version than the one the model was trained on