When evaluating a job offer, the most common priority for tech and other professionals is clear: salary.
Salary offers the reliability needed, particularly in an uncertain economic environment, where equity may be less likely to materialize into tangible benefits.
The need to cover daily expenses often outweighs the potential future gains of equity.
Equity, once considered the golden ticket to long-term wealth in tech, is now viewed more cautiously.
Respondents noted that they have had experiences where equity did not yield the expected returns.
Gender has the strongest statistically significant impact on the likelihood of selecting equity over salary, with men 2.3 times as likely to prefer equity compared with women.
Beyond salary and equity, some respondents prioritized work-life balance and workplace culture.
Respondents also showed a preference for benefits like health insurance and retirement savings plans.
For those living in high-cost-of-living areas, the importance of salary becomes even more pronounced.
The immediate cash flow provided by a solid salary is crucial for professionals as they navigate the high costs associated with tech hubs.