Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) helps organizations address evolving data security and privacy requirements by protecting and managing sensitive information.
The proliferation of cloud workloads and data creates a complex web of data sprawl that is difficult to manage.
DSPM allows security and privacy teams to discover sensitive data, identify its security and compliance postures, and mitigate risks.
DSPM offers a comprehensive view of an organization's data security posture, compliance position, security, and privacy risks.
A robust DSPM solution is necessary due to high volumes of dark and unstructured data containing sensitive information being a primary target for data breach attacks.
It becomes challenging for organizations to have comprehensive visibility of their data, making them vulnerable to various privacy and security threats.
Data classification plays a critical role in giving organizations insights into the privacy risks associated with their personal or sensitive data.
DSPM gives insights into which data stores contain sensitive data and privacy risks associated with those data stores, allowing organizations to protect their most critical data stores first.
DSPM can help covered entities to comply with HIPAA regulations by identifying PHI across an entity's data stores, SaaS services, and other cloud environments.
DSPM is a necessary tool in an organization's data management and protection arsenal.